Sponsored Advertise here
3,278.83 USD 3.25% {{ Math.abs(change) }}% 1 Gwei recommended gas price
Circulation 122,375,302 ETH {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Market cap 394.267 billion USD {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Dominance 15.60 % {{ Math.abs(change) }}%

All time

Latest block
20,394,104 {{ Math.abs(change) }}% 13 seconds ago {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Blockchain size
1,057 GB {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
0 {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
4,350,893.43 ETH {{ Math.abs(change) }}%


5,173 {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Transactions per second
5 {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Value of pending transfers
466.44 ETH {{ Math.abs(change) }}%

24h statistics

1,140,522 {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
7,161 {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Transactions per second
13.20 {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Avg. time between blocks
12.07 sec {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Median transaction fee
0.51 USD {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
3,044,223 ETH {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Average transaction fee
1.50 USD {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
(Ethash) {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Average simple transfer fee
0.31 USD {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
0 {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Median simple transfer fee
0.21 USD {{ Math.abs(change) }}%
Burned 24h
255.44 ETH {{ Math.abs(change) }}%

Gas price tracker

10% of the transactions confirmed in the last 10 min had the gas price 1 Gwei or lower
25% of the transactions confirmed in the last 10 min had the gas price 1 Gwei or lower
50% of the transactions confirmed in the last 10 min had the gas price 1 Gwei or lower
95% of the transactions confirmed in the last 10 min had the gas price 6 Gwei or lower

Latest blocks

Height Hash Mined on Total amount (ETH) Total amount (USD)
Explore blocks {{ Number(totalRows).toLocaleString('en-US') }}

The biggest transactions

Over the last 24 hours
Hash Internal value (ETH) Internal value (USD) Time
Explore transactions {{ Number(totalRows).toLocaleString('en-US') }}

Useful links

Partners that already use Blockchair on their websites