Privacy-o-meter for Bitcoin Transactions

Privacy score result
for the transaction:

Matched addresses identified

Using several indicators we were able to link the similar types of addresses involved in this transaction. We identified which of the recipient addresses possibly belong to one or more senders. Such matching significantly reduces the anonymity of addresses.
Matched inputs & outputs
0.00687000  BTC 434.29 USD
0.00023716  BTC 14.99 USD
0.00121225  BTC 76.63 USD
0.00108073  BTC 68.32 USD
0.00150638  BTC 95.23 USD
0.00100431  BTC 63.49 USD
0.00133931  BTC 84.66 USD
0.00286201  BTC 180.92 USD
0.00077344  BTC 48.89 USD
0.00213669  BTC 135.07 USD
0.00031761  BTC 20.08 USD
0.00140000  BTC 88.50 USD
0.00112898  BTC 71.37 USD
0.00074196  BTC 46.90 USD
0.00146765  BTC 92.78 USD
0.00238181  BTC 150.85 USD
0.00046886  BTC 29.64 USD
0.00100986  BTC 63.84 USD
0.00125514  BTC 79.34 USD
0.00024489  BTC 15.48 USD
0.00318942  BTC 201.62 USD
0.00317248  BTC 200.55 USD
0.00159417  BTC 100.78 USD
0.00164281  BTC 103.85 USD
0.00780230  BTC 493.22 USD
0.00011073  BTC 7.00 USD
0.00117609  BTC 74.35 USD
0.00024368  BTC 15.40 USD
0.00100018  BTC 63.35 USD
0.00193853  BTC 122.54 USD
0.00100000  BTC 63.22 USD
0.00124348  BTC 78.61 USD
0.01609422  BTC 1,017.40 USD
0.00157681  BTC 99.68 USD
0.00068027  BTC 43.00 USD
0.00600000  BTC 379.29 USD
0.00079239  BTC 50.09 USD
0.00270000  BTC 170.68 USD
0.00482992  BTC 305.32 USD
0.00249850  BTC 158.24 USD
0.00062299  BTC 39.38 USD
0.00540000  BTC 341.36 USD
0.00467103  BTC 295.28 USD
0.00024564  BTC 15.53 USD
0.00080213  BTC 50.71 USD
0.00100088  BTC 63.27 USD
0.00077766  BTC 49.16 USD
0.00169980  BTC 107.45 USD
0.00159535  BTC 100.85 USD
0.00096062  BTC 60.73 USD
1.58345206  BTC 91,191.01  USD
{{ errorMessage }}

Issues that are possible to fix

Unless it's a CoinJoin transaction it's safe to assume that all input addresses belong to one person
How to improve?
Try not to send a BTC amount higher than you hold on one of your addresses. If you value your privacy on Bitcoin more than the transaction costs, then opt to send more transactions. Your addresses will not be linked to each other.
Sweep to another type
The sender uses the "send everything" option to either pay someone (e.g. an exchange) or just moving the funds to another wallet of another type than the initial addresses
How to improve?
If you are withdrawing funds from an exchange, it is okay. If you're moving funds to another wallet, do not transfer the whole amount to another address. It greatly compromises your privacy.
We use 100+ indicators to measure the privacy scores of Bitcoin transactions.

In some cases the score may be improved, while some indicators are dependent on the software used to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain. Such privacy issues are not possible to fix unless the user changes the app or website used.
Critical - The identified issues are significantly endangering the privacy of the parties involved. Usually, the critical score is shown when it is possible to group the addresses that belong to the same owner or when the transaction has a lot of privacy issues.

Low - The identified issues are severely jeopardizing the privacy of the parties involved. Usually the Low score is assigned to the transactions with a lot of privacy issues.

Moderate - The identified issues are not that severe but can still be used by tracking tools to trace your transactions.

High - The identified issues are negligible and do not pose a serious threat to the privacy of involved parties/addresses.

Healthy - The transaction has no privacy issues. Third parties can’t extract any privacy-related information about the transaction or addresses involved.

General guidelines for sending BTC transactions

Blockchair can not help you improve the privacy of your
transactions but here are some basic recommendations
on how to stay anonymous on the Bitcoin network
Don't send round numbers

Don't send round amounts. Instead of sending 0.1 BTC, send 0.10125

Use Bitcoin Mixers

Mixers add an additional layer of privacy to a transaction to avoid exposing user identities.

Avoid reusing wallets

Don't send your Bitcoin change to the same address you use for sending bitcoins.

Avoid including many of your addresses in one transaction

Any time you can, try not to send BTC from your various Bitcoin addresses.

Avoid using "send everything" option

If you are withdrawing funds from an exchange, it is okay.
If you're moving funds to another wallet, do not transfer the whole amount to another address. It greatly compromises your privacy.

The detailed list of indicators and recommendations are available in API docs

Check all indicators

Get privacy scores with Blockchair API for free

For all privacy-oriented wallets and services
who wish to feature and link to the Privacy-o-meter