Privacy-o-meter for Bitcoin Transactions

Privacy score result
for the transaction:

Matched addresses identified

Using several indicators we were able to link the similar types of addresses involved in this transaction. We identified which of the recipient addresses possibly belong to one or more senders. Such matching significantly reduces the anonymity of addresses.
Matched inputs & outputs
0.00542000  BTC 49.54 USD
0.00545647  BTC 49.87 USD
0.00569538  BTC 52.66 USD
0.00443000  BTC 40.96 USD
0.00411000  BTC 38.00 USD
0.00541000  BTC 50.02 USD
0.00537327  BTC 49.68 USD
0.00435000  BTC 40.22 USD
0.00540000  BTC 49.35 USD
0.00531000  BTC 49.10 USD
0.00543500  BTC 50.25 USD
0.00538504  BTC 49.79 USD
0.00550000  BTC 50.85 USD
0.00529696  BTC 48.98 USD
0.02000000  BTC 184.92 USD
0.00539336  BTC 49.29 USD
0.00577493  BTC 53.39 USD
0.00493896  BTC 45.67 USD
0.00403000  BTC 37.26 USD
0.02207000  BTC 204.06 USD
0.00433000  BTC 40.03 USD
0.00441953  BTC 40.86 USD
0.00432000  BTC 39.48 USD
0.00492000  BTC 45.49 USD
0.00542000  BTC 49.54 USD
0.00527952  BTC 48.25 USD
0.00551000  BTC 50.94 USD
0.00473105  BTC 43.74 USD
0.00465751  BTC 43.06 USD
0.00549917  BTC 50.26 USD
0.00410929  BTC 37.99 USD
0.00416826  BTC 38.54 USD
0.00541424  BTC 50.06 USD
0.00495000  BTC 45.77 USD
0.00403630  BTC 36.89 USD
0.00827000  BTC 76.46 USD
0.00538957  BTC 49.83 USD
0.02382000  BTC 220.24 USD
0.02206000  BTC 203.96 USD
0.00540000  BTC 49.35 USD
0.02196000  BTC 203.04 USD
0.00435000  BTC 40.22 USD
0.00541000  BTC 50.02 USD
0.00442000  BTC 40.87 USD
0.00563920  BTC 51.54 USD
0.00411904  BTC 37.65 USD
0.00530000  BTC 48.44 USD
0.00443040  BTC 40.96 USD
0.00464967  BTC 42.99 USD
0.00408099  BTC 37.30 USD
0.03443855  BTC 318.42  USD
0.02888500  BTC 267.07  USD
0.03726710  BTC 344.57  USD
0.14284995  BTC 1,320.77  USD
0.01007705  BTC 93.17  USD
0.01706940  BTC 157.82  USD
0.03629340  BTC 335.56  USD
0.00888895  BTC 82.19  USD
0.06719305  BTC 621.26  USD
0.05329010  BTC 492.71  USD
0.03571930  BTC 330.26  USD
0.02364537  BTC 218.62  USD
0.25262385  BTC 2,335.73  USD
0.13969985  BTC 1,291.65  USD
0.00995752  BTC 92.07  USD
0.01274940  BTC 117.88  USD
0.08335775  BTC 770.72  USD
0.00893800  BTC 82.64  USD
0.11412300  BTC 1,055.17  USD
0.09175620  BTC 848.37  USD
1.76053094  BTC 16,277.68  USD
0.37388090  BTC 3,456.86  USD
0.00905040  BTC 83.68  USD
0.02084940  BTC 192.77  USD
0.00521020  BTC 48.17  USD
0.02475390  BTC 228.87  USD
0.17118995  BTC 1,582.80  USD
0.04939335  BTC 456.69  USD
0.01014245  BTC 93.78  USD
0.00662175  BTC 61.22  USD
0.02096070  BTC 193.80  USD
0.05961755  BTC 551.22  USD
0.16537480  BTC 1,529.04  USD
0.15433740  BTC 1,426.99  USD
0.03249807  BTC 300.47  USD
0.00952115  BTC 88.03  USD
0.01055120  BTC 97.56  USD
0.11465165  BTC 1,060.06  USD
0.00812050  BTC 75.08  USD
0.15455655  BTC 1,429.01  USD
0.02176200  BTC 201.21  USD
0.08076355  BTC 746.73  USD
0.00009577  BTC 0.89  USD
0.00548815  BTC 50.74  USD
0.00604950  BTC 55.93  USD
0.00939035  BTC 86.82  USD
0.14435415  BTC 1,334.68  USD
0.01922940  BTC 177.79  USD
0.01946195  BTC 179.94  USD
0.17811690  BTC 1,646.85  USD
{{ errorMessage }}

Issues that are possible to fix

Unless it's a CoinJoin transaction it's safe to assume that all input addresses belong to one person
How to improve?
Try not to send a BTC amount higher than you hold on one of your addresses. If you value your privacy on Bitcoin more than the transaction costs, then opt to send more transactions. Your addresses will not be linked to each other.

Software-dependent issues that are not fixable

Same address in inputs
There's multiple occurences of the same address in inputs
We use 100+ indicators to measure the privacy scores of Bitcoin transactions.

In some cases the score may be improved, while some indicators are dependent on the software used to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain. Such privacy issues are not possible to fix unless the user changes the app or website used.
Critical - The identified issues are significantly endangering the privacy of the parties involved. Usually, the critical score is shown when it is possible to group the addresses that belong to the same owner or when the transaction has a lot of privacy issues.

Low - The identified issues are severely jeopardizing the privacy of the parties involved. Usually the Low score is assigned to the transactions with a lot of privacy issues.

Moderate - The identified issues are not that severe but can still be used by tracking tools to trace your transactions.

High - The identified issues are negligible and do not pose a serious threat to the privacy of involved parties/addresses.

Healthy - The transaction has no privacy issues. Third parties can’t extract any privacy-related information about the transaction or addresses involved.

General guidelines for sending BTC transactions

Blockchair can not help you improve the privacy of your
transactions but here are some basic recommendations
on how to stay anonymous on the Bitcoin network
Don't send round numbers

Don't send round amounts. Instead of sending 0.1 BTC, send 0.10125

Use Bitcoin Mixers

Mixers add an additional layer of privacy to a transaction to avoid exposing user identities.

Avoid reusing wallets

Don't send your Bitcoin change to the same address you use for sending bitcoins.

Avoid including many of your addresses in one transaction

Any time you can, try not to send BTC from your various Bitcoin addresses.

Avoid using "send everything" option

If you are withdrawing funds from an exchange, it is okay.
If you're moving funds to another wallet, do not transfer the whole amount to another address. It greatly compromises your privacy.

The detailed list of indicators and recommendations are available in API docs

Check all indicators

Get privacy scores with Blockchair API for free

For all privacy-oriented wallets and services
who wish to feature and link to the Privacy-o-meter