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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
af28a1...835f07 the-void
- 50.1 LTC
af28a1...835f07 LUXwjg...cTWqc8
+ 50.1 LTC
2659c0...992dc6 LdNjVZ...EnWNn1
- 50.02 LTC
2659c0...992dc6 LKQ9mZ...QuYsGw
+ 3.0406589 LTC
2659c0...992dc6 LM7zEq...nuiNuN
+ 46.9793411 LTC
56b49e...3a0c3e LdNjVZ...EnWNn1
- 50.01 LTC
56b49e...3a0c3e LU7Tyb...jAx6fW
+ 10.21125904 LTC
56b49e...3a0c3e LWnx2Y...9aujVV
+ 39.79874096 LTC
52bd61...0b2647 LdNjVZ...EnWNn1
- 50.00000013 LTC
52bd61...0b2647 LQGkwT...gCrc4w
+ 46.95472172 LTC
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