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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x215b...887086 0x008e...b9fd10
- 995 USDT
0x215b...887086 0x7d21...c746e2
+ 995 USDT
0xe8f8...83785c 0x65b4...d0297d
- 10,593.4282 SOC
0xe8f8...83785c 0x025b...9d1d49
+ 10,593.4282 SOC
0x0b86...6342c2 0x641f...b03fa6
- 45,249.7551 SOC
0x0b86...6342c2 0x025b...9d1d49
+ 45,249.7551 SOC
0xeaa1...51c175 0x4f38...125ca4
- 11,073.3366 SOC
0xeaa1...51c175 0x025b...9d1d49
+ 11,073.3366 SOC
0x049d...26dd75 0x0089...549f8a
- 158.9324 USDT
0x049d...26dd75 0x008b...18a822
+ 158.9324 USDT
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